We study the interaction between a cloud of ultracold strontium atoms and the light modes of an optical ring cavity laser-pumped near a forbidden atomic transition. In our cavity 0.1 photons are enough to saturate the narrow transition, which enables us to study saturation-induced effects even on resonance without being hampered by spontaneous emission. Furthermore, with the cavity decay rate exceeding by far the rate of spontaneous emission, we are in the so-called 'bad cavity' limit. The number of interacting atoms is sufficiently high to reach the strong collective coupling regime, where the energy exchange exceeds the energy loss rate, resulting in a characteristic normal-mode splitting of the cavity transmission spectrum. When the cavity was pumped sufficiently strong, however, our measured transmission spectra revealed the presence of a third peak near the atomic resonance, which has not been observed before. We were able to explain this peak as being due to saturation induced bistability caused by a nonlinear interaction between the Autler-Townes effect and normal-mode splitting. (1-3)
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Certifico que os nomes citados como autor e coautor estão cientes de suas nomeações. | Sim |
Palavras-chave | Quantum optics. Bistability. Nonlinear effects. |
Orientador e coorientador | Philippe Wilhelm Courteille |
Subárea 1 | Física Atômica e Molecular |
Subárea 2 (opcional) | Óptica |
Agência de Fomento | CAPES |
Número de Processo | 88887.703592/2022-00 |
Modalidade | MESTRADO |
Concessão de Direitos Autorais | Sim |