This poster delves into the concepts of quantum state and quantum process tomography, using NV centers as the primary system for demonstration of theses concepts. The focus is on applying Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood estimations as data analysis processes within quantum systems. The presentation begins with an introduction to quantum state and quantum process tomography, emphasizing the challenges involved in characterizing and reconstructing quantum states and processes, as well as the importance of accurate measurements and statistical methods. NV centers, which are defects found in diamond crystals, serve as the experimental system for this study. The subsequent part of the presentation explores the practical implementation of Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood estimations for extracting meaningful insights from experimental data obtained through quantum state and quantum process tomography. (1-2) The presentation also investigates the potential application of transformers, known for their success in natural language processing, for data analysis and Hamiltonian estimation in the quantum domain. (3) By understanding these concepts, it is possible to gain insights into the practical applications of Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood estimations, and transformers, contributing to the accurate characterization of quantum systems.
1 HINCKS, I.; GRANADE, C.; CORY, D. G. Statistical inference with quantum measurements: methodologies for nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond. New Journal of Physics, v. 20, n. 1, p. 013022-1-13022-39, Jan. 2018. DOI:
2 VERDEIL, F.; DEVILLE, Y. Unitary quantum process tomography with unreliable pure input states. 2023. DOI:
3 AN, Z. et al. Unified quantum state tomography and hamiltonian learning using transformer models: a language-translation-like approach for quantum systems. 2023. DOI:
Certifico que os nomes citados como autor e coautor estão cientes de suas nomeações. | Sim |
Palavras-chave | Nitrogen-vacancy. Statistical inference. LLM. |
Orientador e coorientador | Orientador Sérgio Ricador Muniz |
Subárea 1 | Informação e Computação Quântica |
Subárea 2 (opcional) | Física Estatística e Termodinâmica |
Subárea 3 (opcional) | Simulação Numérica |
Subárea 4 (opcional) | Óptica |
Agência de Fomento | Outras |
Número de Processo | Não se aplica |
Modalidade | MESTRADO |
Concessão de Direitos Autorais | Sim |