12 – 14 de jul. de 2021
Fuso horário America/Sao_Paulo

Real-time analysis at the LHCb experiment

13 de jul. de 2021 14:20


MURILO RANGEL (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)


The LHCb experiment will use a triggerless readout system starting in 2022. Data will be collected at an event rate of 30 MHz using a software-only High Level Trigger that will enable unprecedented flexibility for trigger selections. The first stage (HLT1) will reduce the event rate by at least a factor 30 while the second stage (HLT2) will perform full analysis selection. Both the computing and physics performance of the two stages will be presented.

Autor primário

MURILO RANGEL (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

Materiais de apresentação