5 – 9 de ago. de 2019
Fuso horário America/Sao_Paulo

Collective effects in an ultracold dilute cloud of two-level atoms driven by a scalar light

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Sr. Tiago Santiago do Espirito Santo (IFSC - USP)


The interaction of light with cold atoms (1) have been a object of great interest and the cooperative scattering of light gives clues of the rich many body-physics effects. Since Dicke’s work on coherence in the spontaneous emission (2) super and subradiance have been studied both from the theoretical and experimental side. These effects relation with lamb shift, single photon sub and superradiance and the superradiance relation with the radiation pressure force have been described. The long-range (1/r) light mediated effective coupling between atoms leads to many-body cooperative effects, even on the dilute regime, creating new lifetimes that can be applied to storing information and to a fast read out of the data. While this cooperative effects are well described in the classical linear optics limit, in which the saturation parameter s = 2Ω²/(Γ² + 4∆²) is very small s << 1, little is known in the quantum saturated regime s >> 1. In a recent work the role of the quantum correlations in the fluorescence power spectrum was discussed. (3) We study the dynamics of the intensity of the fluorescence field after a switch-on of the laser beam with the system in the ground state. We show that the collective effects of superradiance and frequency shift are present in the classical dipole model and that the mean-field approach goes beyond the linear optics regime.


1 GUERIN, W.; ROUABAH, M. T.; KAISER, R. Light interacting with atomic ensembles: collective, cooperative and mesoscopic effects. Journal of Modern Optics, v. 64, n. 9, p. 895-907, 2017.

2 DICKE, R. H. Coherence in spontaneous radiation processes. Physical Review, v. 93, n. 1, p. 99-110, 1954.

3 PUCCI, L. et al. Quantum effects in the cooperative scattering of light by atomic clouds. Physical Review A, v. 95, n. 5, p. 053625-1-053625-9, May 2017.

Subárea Física Atômica e Molecular
Apresentação do trabalho acadêmico para o público geral Não

Autores primários

Sr. Tiago Santiago do Espirito Santo (IFSC - USP) Prof. Romain Bachelard (Departamento de Física - UFSCar)

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