5 – 9 de ago. de 2019
Fuso horário America/Sao_Paulo

The 3-body problem with applications to astrophysics and cosmology

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Carolina Sayuri Takeda


The recent detection of gravitational waves confirmed the existence of a binary black hole system. This fascinating experiment motivates the study of these systems and their surroundings. Although there is no analytical expression of a binary black hole system due to their dynamical character, it is possible to find some solutions with a static and axially symmetric spacetime. Some examples are the Weyl and the Majumdar-Papapetrou spacetime.(1) This work aims to study the three body problem and apply it in celestial objects. By first studying the problem in classical mechanics, its importance becomes clearer, since it has been studied for more than 300 years and has many applications in astrophysics and cosmology. Then, the study of general relativity was followed by focusing on the Majumdar-Papapetrou spacetime.(2) The solution found by Majumdar and Papapetrou can be interpreted as a system of charged black holes having their electric forces in equilibrium with the gravitational forces, just as in Newtonian theory with point charged particles in static equilibrium under their electrical and gravitational forces.(3) Finally, the current objective is to study a test particle in this spacetime, with two black holes.


1 NAKASHI, K.; IGATA, T. Innermost stable circular orbits in Majumdar–Papapetrou dihole spacetime. 2019. Disponivel em:arXiv:1903.10121v1.Acesso em: 19.06.2019.
2 MAJUMDAR, S. D. A class of exact solutions of Einstein’s field equations. Physical Review, v.72, n.5, p. 390,1947.
3 HARTLE, J. B.; HAWKING S. W. Solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations with many black holes.Communications in Mathematical Physics,v. 26, p.87–101, 1972. doi:10.1007/bf01645696.

Subárea Astronomia, Astrofísica e Cosmologia
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