5 – 9 de ago. de 2019
Fuso horário America/Sao_Paulo

Development of a biosensor for plant pathogen detection

Não agendado


Sra Isabella Sampaio (IFSC - USP)


Microorganisms are pathological agents of many plant diseases that impact directly in agriculture, causing low crop productivity and important economic losses. The infection by the microorganisms are conventionally diagnosed by visual analyses of the plant symptoms, however, they are only observed when the plant disease is in advanced stage. (1) To control the pest infestation and avoid large crop losses, pesticides are broadly applied to plantations, but its excessive use can cause health problems and make microorganisms resistant to their chemical compounds. Thus, the development of a method to detect the pathological agents before the plant damage occurs can reduce the crop losses by using more effective management techniques. We propose an electrochemical biosensor to identify four economically important plant pathogens. For this, we designed the genetic sequences and a new model of multiplex electrode for simultaneous detection. The electrode was fabricated by the deposition of a thin film of titanium onto glass substrate as adhesion layer followed by the gold deposition through sputtering technique. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used to monitor the electrode functionalization and the biological recognition. Our results showed this biosensor offers a rapid, sensitive and low-cost technology for plant pathogen sensing that can decrease the damaging in the crops, the economic losses and the excessive use of pesticides.


1 KHATER, M.; DE LA ESCOSURA-MUÑIZ, A.; MERKOÇI, A. Biosensors for plant pathogen detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, v. 93, p. 72-86, July 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.09.091.

Subárea Nanotoxicologia e Nanomedicina
Apresentação do trabalho acadêmico para o público geral Não

Autores primários

Sra Isabella Sampaio (IFSC - USP) Prof. Valtencir Zucolotto (IFSC-USP)

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