5 – 9 de ago. de 2019
Fuso horário America/Sao_Paulo

Interaction mechanisms in chemotherapeutic drugs and cell membrane models associated with drug resistance

Não agendado


Kevin Figueiredo dos Santos


The resistance developed by cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs is critical for the success of the treatment. The action of such drugs involves interactions with cell membranes which are protective physicochemical barriers that mediate the interaction between the cells and the external environment. Proteins in the cell membranes, e.g. cytochromes P450 and glutathione transferase, may inactivate or reduce the activity of the drugs, for example by restricting the bioavailability of the drugs in the plasma or target site. Cell membrane models are used to investigate the interaction between chemotherapeutic drugs and cell membranes. Langmuir monolayers are formed by amphiphilic molecules on the air-water interface, this system allows the control of a molecular arrangement, orientation, composition of surface and the properties of subphase. These features make Langmuir films a powerful model of the cell membrane. (1) In this Project, we shall employ Langmuir monolayers to mimic the membranes of healthy and cancer cells, in addition to the possible effects from the incorporation of cytochromes P450. In order to identify molecular-level mechanisms of drug resistance, the Langmuir monolayers will be studied with surface pressure isotherms, Brewster angle microscopy and polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS). It is hoped to identify drug resistance mechanisms, particularly those mediated by cytochromes P450, with the aim of finding ways to propose drugs that may improve cancer therapy.


1 GLOMM, W. R. et al. Same system-different results: the importance of protein-introduction protocols in Langmuir-monolayer studies of lipid-protein interactions. Analytical Chemistry, v. 81, n. 8, p. 3042-3050, 2009.

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