5 – 9 de ago. de 2019
Fuso horário America/Sao_Paulo

Study of the interaction dynamics of three different types of curcumin in planktonic cultures of three different bacterias

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Fabio F Jr Pinto (IFSC)


Photodynamic Therapy, PDT, basically consists of the application of a photosensitizing compound, PS, and a light source with a specific wavelength, which irradiates the cells containing the PS and activates it and cause certain reactions to occur origin to singlet oxygen. Being this oxygen a highly cytotoxic form occurs its apoptosis. In view of this, it is justified the detailed and deep study of the dynamics, the interaction and the internalization of the PS induced by light. Used to combat microorganisms and called Photodynamic Inactivation, PI, the use of PS agents has become an increasingly robust and prominent alternative due to the appearance of superbugs by the uncontrolled use of antibiotics. (1-2) In this way, this present study sought to understand the interaction of three different curcumin as PS agents in three different planktonic cultures of bacteria, one gram-negative, Escherichia coli, and two other gram-positive strains, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans. Different types of absorbance measurements between the curcumin, the bacteria in order to characterize them and then all possible interactions between the three curcumin and the three bacteria. The results of curcumin characterization showed a great stability over time of curcumin with the greater presence of curcuminoids. (3) In the characterization of bacteria, in growth curves over time have shown an efficient interaction of curcumin with both gram- positive as well as gram negative. In addition, we conclude that the interactions between these curcumin and bacteria occur differently for E. coli than for S. aureus and S. mutans. In addition, it was also observed a greater interaction between the two curcumin studied with curcuminóides than only pure curcumin.


1 BAGNATO, V. S. Terapia fotodinâmica dermatológica: programa TFD Brasil. São Carlos: Compacta, 2015. 313 p.
2 WILSON, B.C.; PATTERSON, M. S. The physics, biophysics and technology of photodynamic therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, v. 53, n. 9, p. R61-R109, 2008.
3 PRATAVIEIRA, S. et al. Effectiveness of partially soluble photosensitizer in photodynamic microbiological inactivation: a curcumin example. In: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, 8., 2017, Munich. Proceedings... Bellingham: International Society for Optical Engineering, 2017. v. 10417, p. 104170R-1-104170R-3.

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