5 – 9 de ago. de 2019
Fuso horário America/Sao_Paulo

Plasmonic metasurfaces for enhanced chiroptical effects

Não agendado


Sr. jhon james hernández sarria (universidade de são paulo)


Plasmonic platforms exhibiting structural asymmetry are promising for applications in biosensing (1-2), telecommunications, metamaterials, and data processing. These structures have the ability to improve the light-polarization-effects through the strongly enhanced near-fields at the surface of subwavelength plasmonic building elements (1), thus being of great interest to enhance the inherently weak circular dichroism from biomolecules and drugs for chiral sensing.(3)In this work, we perform a comparative study (numerical) of circular dichroism from two-dimensional metasurfaces built by a periodic arrange of twisted plasmonic building elements, which are inherently chiral, and from an arrangement of Z-shaped nanoantennas, where plasmon hybridization through strong coupling is used to develop chiral-metamolecules.


1 SARID, D.;CHALLENER, W. Modern introduction to surface plasmons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
2 LOISEAU, A. et al. Silver-based plasmonic nanoparticles for and their use in biosensing. Biosensors,v. 9, n.78, 2019. doi:10.3390/bios9020078 2019.
3 LEE, J.H. et al. Application of gold nanoparticle to plasmonic biosensors. International Journal Molecular Science,v.19, n.2021, 2018.; doi:10.3390/ijms19072021.

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Autores primários

Sr. jhon james hernández sarria (universidade de são paulo) Prof. Jorge Ricardo Mejía salazar (National Institute of Telecommunications (Inatel)) Prof. Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira Junior (São Carlos Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo)

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