Short Course on: Theory and data analysis of Astroparticles

Anfiteatro Prof. Horácio C. Panepucci (anfi Azul)Anfiteatro Prof. Horácio C. Panepucci (anfi Azul)Anfiteatro Prof. Horácio C. Panepucci (anfi Azul)

Anfiteatro Prof. Horácio C. Panepucci (anfi Azul)Anfiteatro Prof. Horácio C. Panepucci (anfi Azul)Anfiteatro Prof. Horácio C. Panepucci (anfi Azul)

Vitor de Souza (IFSC-USP)
  • Aion Viana
  • Ana Vitoria de Almeida Martinheira Braga
  • Andressa Colaço
  • Cainã Oliveira
  • Carlos José Todero Peixoto
  • Daniel Cecchin Momesso
  • Gabriel Freitas
  • Gabriel Varoli Fernandes
  • Gislaine Varão da Silva
  • Guilherme Pereira
  • Guilherme Santana
  • Isadora Parillo
  • João Eduardo de Oliveira
  • João Vítor Reginatto Akim
  • Júlia Gouvêa Mamprim
  • Leonardo Leo
  • Leonardo Maia
  • Letícia Vieira Dorea Hupsel de Oliveira
  • Lucas Aurélio Quitakava Ferreira da Silva
  • Lucca Radicce Justino
  • Lívia Silva Rocha
  • Lúcia Karoline Marques de Azevedo
  • Manoel Felipe Sousa
  • Marcos Vinicius Tomás Olegario
  • Maria Vithória Peres Dias de Oliveira
  • Mateus Zeferino Rennó
  • Matheus Duarte
  • Mayara Ramos de Lima
  • Micael Jonathan Duarte Andrade
  • Pedro Henrique Morais
  • Rafael Bentes de Sales
  • Rafael Rodrigues Peixoto
  • Rubens Pereira Costa Junior
  • Tales Leme Mundo
  • Tania Elizabeth Medina Torrejón
  • Victor Bastos Canut costa
  • Vinícius Malafatti
  • Vitor de Souza
    • 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Lecture 1: Introduction to Gammapy (Bruno Khelifi) 2h

      During this presentation, Gammapy will be introduced. This open Python research software aims to analyse high-level data (under the GADF or OGIP formats) from gamma-ray instruments, like H.E.S.S/MAGIC/VERITAS/CTA (using the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Technique) or HAWC/SWGO (using the Water Cherenkov Technique), as well Fermi-LAT. This software permits the production of the common very-high-energy astrophysical products (like flux maps, spectral energy distribution, time domain analysis). This talk will describe the library based on its version v1.2 (2024), its main features and data flow, the organisation of the Gammapy project.


      Speaker: Bruno Khélifi (APC, CNRS/Université de Paris Cité)
    • 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Lecture 2: First hands-on session on Gammapy (Bruno Khelifi) 2h

      This first session aims to learn on your own laptop the basic uses of Gammapy, by using Jupyter Notebooks. We will work on the extraction of a spectrum from a point source, and on the realisation of a 3D analysis of an extended source.

      Please install Gammpy for this session on your computer


      Speaker: Bruno Khélifi (APC, CNRS/Université de Paris Cité)
    • 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Lecture 3: Humberto Martinez Huerta 2h
      1. Introduction to Lorentz Symmetry and Violation
        1.1 Lorentz Symmetry Recap
        1.2 Motivation for Lorentz Symmetry Violation

      Recommended Material:

      Speaker: Prof. Humberto Martínez-Huerta (Departamento de Física y Matemáticas, UDEM)
    • 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Lecture 4: Iarley Pereira Lobo 2h

      We will address the problem of introducing an energy scale which governs deviations from the relativistic description of spacetime (supposedly the Planck scale), motivated by theories that quantize gravity. The main models that describe these deviations, which break or deform the Lorentz symmetry (called LIV models and DSR models) will be presented.
      Refs. for both lectures:

      Speaker: Iarley Lobo (Federal University of Paraíba)
    • 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Lecture 5: Second hands-on session on Gammapy (Bruno Khelifi) 2h

      This lecture will focus on the simulations of data, which then permits to asset the performances of an instrument to a given source or to realise studies on reconstruction quality (assessment of systematics errors). We will primary experience the simulations of reduced binned dataset of a steady source, then we will use this technique to estimate the detectability of a source.


      Speaker: Bruno Khélifi (APC, CNRS/Université de Paris Cité)
    • 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Lecture 6: Third hands-on session on Gammapy (Bruno Khelifi) 2h

      The last session will aim to quantify systematic errors using simulations. We will derive the errors on spectral parameters caused by a possible absolute energy scale bias or a possible background rate bias.


      Speaker: Bruno Khélifi (APC, CNRS/Université de Paris Cité)
    • 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Lecture 7: Humberto Martinez Huerta 2h

      Module 3: Phenomenological Implications and Experimental Constraints
      -Discussion on observable effects of 2->2 LIV thresholds
      -Experimental/Sensitivity Tests
      -Hands-on block (please bring your computer)
      -Material (Example_0.ipynb, Example_attenuation.ipynb):

      Recommended material:

      Speaker: Prof. Humberto Martínez-Huerta (Departamento de Física y Matemáticas, UDEM)
    • 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Lecture 8: Iarley Pereira Lobo 2h

      We will discuss the main observables (focusing on astrophysical ones) that can lead to the detection of signatures of a quantum space-time and the distinction between the LIV and DSR models.

      Speaker: Iarley Lobo (Federal University of Paraíba)
    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Lecture 9: Humberto Martinez Huerta 2h

      3 Frameworks for Lorentz Symmetry Violation and astrophysical search methods and exclusion limits.

      Recommended material:

      Speaker: Prof. Humberto Martínez-Huerta (Departamento de Física y Matemáticas, UDEM)